What to Know Before Your First Visit
At Lakeshore Dental, our mission is simple: to provide our patients with the best dental care possible. Our entire team welcomes you and your family to Lakeshore Dental. We sincerely thank you for entrusting us with your dental care.
Your first visit with us is a very important step in our new relationship. During your first visit with one of our incredible doctors, you can expect the following:
- Doctor will become acquainted and listen to your primary interests and concerns
- Review of your medical and dental history forms
- Complete series of digital radiographs of your teeth
- Periodontal (gum) disease evaluation
- An oral comprehensive evaluation including: Discussion time to review treatment options and answer any questions you may have
- Oral cancer screening
- Clinical diagnosis of cavities and other recommended treatment with the use of our digital imaging
- Tempromandibular joint (your jaw joint) movement (TMJ) evaluation
Bring Your Smile
Before your first appointment we will send you an electronic New Patient Welcome Packet that will include a Health History Form, complete that before your appointment. We can text or email this to you. If you prefer a paper copy, they are still available if time allows for the postal service. Otherwise, come to the office a few minutes early to complete the forms in the office.
You may also need to bring the following:
- Insurance Card (if applicable)
- Current List of Medications